Algemeen Gaming Nieuws

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

Algemeen Gaming Nieuws

16 jul 2017, 12:51

Drop het hier

Mass Effect Andromeda demo is out :poep:

Berichten: 3979
Lid geworden op:
18 jul 2017, 14:47

18 jul 2017, 22:40

Titanfall 2 krijgt 4 player co-op mode!

Berichten: 75
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 13:14

19 jul 2017, 15:36

Wolf Among Us season 2 in 2018

Berichten: 255
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 14:21

19 jul 2017, 15:52

"If I want to live, I live. If I want you to die, you die".


Berichten: 539
Lid geworden op:
14 jul 2017, 04:36

19 jul 2017, 16:06

Telltale's game design mag wel eens op de schop.
Eerste game (TWAU) die ik speelde vond ik tof, maar bij de tweede game (GOT) sloeg de verveling eigenlijk al toe.

In principe kunnen ze wel de overstap maken naar Netflix met hun interactieve verhaallijn keuzes.

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04


19 jul 2017, 16:25

Barry schreef:
19 jul 2017, 15:36
Wolf Among Us season 2 in 2018

Berichten: 1357
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 13:31

19 jul 2017, 16:31

TWD yo

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

19 jul 2017, 22:53

S3 was :poep:

DOOM MP op de schop
The season pass for Doom has been retired and all MP DLC is now unlocked for everyone with a new progression system for multiplayer.

There is a free weekend starting tomorrow for Xbox and PC and starting on the 27th for PS4. The full game will be $15 to purchase during the free weekend.

Three new achievements are also included in the update.
On Track - 50G
Complete a tracked Challenge in a Multiplayer Match

A Memorable Performance - 100G
Earn a Gold Rating in a Multiplayer Match

Slotted for Success - 100G
Unlock all Multiplayer Runes

The ‘Ultimate’ DOOM – Update 6.66, All DLC Unlocked, Free Weekends
There’s never been a better time to go to Hell.

It’s been just over a year since we released DOOM and it’s thrilling to see not only many of our earliest players still enjoying the game, but also new Slayers joining the fight every day. Whether you’ve been playing for a year, a week or even if you still haven’t Glory Killed your first demon, we’ve got some exciting news for you. This week we’re rolling out the “ultimate” DOOM experience and offering it to new players at a hellishly low price.

Update 6.66

It all starts today with the release of Update 6.66. Like all of our updates, there are a ton of fixes and other improvements across multiplayer and SnapMap that we’ve outlined in our full update notes, but I want to highlight a few of the biggest changes for multiplayer specifically:

All of the Multiplayer DLC Unlocked for All

First, we’ve retired the DOOM season pass and are making all of the multiplayer DLC content available to all players. That’s three multiplayer DLC packs, which include nine of our best maps, three additional guns, three additional playable demons, new equipment, armor sets and more. That’s on top of the modes and features, like bot support, that players have been enjoying since late last year.

A Completely Revised Multiplayer Progression System

With this update, we’ve changed when and how players unlock additional guns, demons, equipment and all of the player and weapon customization options. Instead of relying on the current random unlock system, everything now unlocks through specific leveling requirements and/or in-game challenges. Now, if there’s a specific helmet you want, you can work toward unlocking it by focusing your play style on the related challenge. We’re confident new and veteran players alike will enjoy the control and predictability in this new multiplayer progression system.

For our veteran players, we know you’ve been unlocking items through both the original random progression system and/or via DLC purchase. We want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to both retain previously unlocked items if they choose, but also unlock anything they don’t have through the new level- and challenge-based progression. To do this we will be resetting all veteran players to level 0. Don’t panic, though – that’s just your level. All veteran players will have the option to completely reset their unlock progression items and experience the new progression system fresh, OR retain all of their existing guns, equipment, demons and customization unlocks that they’ve acquired or purchased and then unlock the remaining items through the revised progression system. Regardless of whether you keep your gear or choose to re-earn it, we’re giving all veteran players a special badge recognizing their previous experience in the game. For those elite few who have achieved the max Slayer level, we’ve designated a special Slayer badge for you.

A New Runes System, Better Player Information, Revised User Interface

On the gameplay front, we’ve replaced the Hack Module System with an all-new Runes System. Much like the Runes system from the DOOM campaign, multiplayer Runes are now persistent player abilities earned and included in a player loadout. Unlike the previous Hack Modules, Runes do not need to be activated and do not expire. Runes are persistent capabilities (or perks) that become a consistent and predictable component of your loadout and play style.

We’ve also overhauled most of the in-game HUD, including better callouts for challenges, awards and scoring. The kill card has been completely revised to provide players a more clear and accurate account of their demise, including not just who killed them but also the players, weapon types and damage that combined to kill them.

Players will also discover numerous improvements throughout the menus and user interface, including completely revised post-match summaries as well as updates that better illustrate player status in lobbies, highlight the new progression options and status, and better outline weapon, equipment and demon characteristics.

Free Weekends

If you’re someone who just hasn’t tried DOOM yet, we’re giving you the ultimate opportunity to try out one of the most talked about games of 2016. Starting at 12:00 pm ET on Thursday, July 20, on Xbox One, 1pm ET on Thursday, July 20 on PC, and 12:00 pm ET on Thursday, July 27 on PlayStation 4, you can try DOOM for free. Blast hordes of demons in the first two levels of DOOM’s critically acclaimed campaign, then ratchet up the intensity by going for a high-score in Arcade Mode. Plus, you’ll also have unlimited access to DOOM’s multiplayer and SnapMap modes for the duration of the weekend. If you choose to purchase during the free weekend, all of your progress in campaign and multiplayer is saved and you’ll continue right from where you left off.

An Ultimate Price

Lastly, we don’t want anything standing in your way of joining the millions of people that have experienced the rush and pure fun of DOOM, so not only are we giving you a chance to try it during a free weekend – if you like it, we’re offering it for $14.99 (US) / £11.99 (UK) / $17.99 (AUS) (digital purchase only). That’s the award-winning campaign, arcade mode, all of the DLC, countless hours of SnapMap and the right to say you are a badass, rip-and-tear DOOM Slayer – all for just $14.99 (US) / £11.99 (UK) / $17.99 (AUS).

As always, thanks to everyone for your incredible support. We hope that whether you’re a long-time Slayer, trying the game during a free weekend, or you’re purchasing it for the first time, you find something you love in DOOM.
phpBB [video]

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

19 jul 2017, 23:23

phpBB [video]

Berichten: 644
Lid geworden op:
14 jul 2017, 12:43

20 jul 2017, 12:29

Trails of Cold Steel (PC) heeft een releasedatum van 2 augustus gekregen. Durante, bekend van het fixen van PC games, heeft voornamelijk aan deze versie gewerkt.

In deze blogpost staan een aantal van zijn bevindingen.

Een link naar de steam storepage vind je hier. De port is gemaakt voor low end pc's. De GPD Win kan de game op native (720p) draaien op een stabiele 30fps. Dit was duidelijk niet het geval op zowel de PS3 als Vita versies, dus dit is een goede verbetering.

Laadtijden zijn ook flink verbeterd en met de betere resolutie zien de 3D modellen er een stuk beter uit. Meer voice lines zijn toegevoegd in deze versie. Dat maakt het ook de definitieve versie van de game. Trails of Cold Steel (PC) zal een adviesprijs krijgen van €39,99 (vergelijkbaar met de PS3 en Vita versies) en de eerste week 10% korting.

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

23 jul 2017, 12:06

phpBB [video]

Berichten: 878
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 19:42


23 jul 2017, 14:05

BigBaller schreef:
19 jul 2017, 22:53
S3 was :poep:

DOOM MP op de schop
The season pass for Doom has been retired and all MP DLC is now unlocked for everyone with a new progression system for multiplayer.

There is a free weekend starting tomorrow for Xbox and PC and starting on the 27th for PS4. The full game will be $15 to purchase during the free weekend.

Three new achievements are also included in the update.
On Track - 50G
Complete a tracked Challenge in a Multiplayer Match

A Memorable Performance - 100G
Earn a Gold Rating in a Multiplayer Match

Slotted for Success - 100G
Unlock all Multiplayer Runes

The ‘Ultimate’ DOOM – Update 6.66, All DLC Unlocked, Free Weekends
There’s never been a better time to go to Hell.

It’s been just over a year since we released DOOM and it’s thrilling to see not only many of our earliest players still enjoying the game, but also new Slayers joining the fight every day. Whether you’ve been playing for a year, a week or even if you still haven’t Glory Killed your first demon, we’ve got some exciting news for you. This week we’re rolling out the “ultimate” DOOM experience and offering it to new players at a hellishly low price.

Update 6.66

It all starts today with the release of Update 6.66. Like all of our updates, there are a ton of fixes and other improvements across multiplayer and SnapMap that we’ve outlined in our full update notes, but I want to highlight a few of the biggest changes for multiplayer specifically:

All of the Multiplayer DLC Unlocked for All

First, we’ve retired the DOOM season pass and are making all of the multiplayer DLC content available to all players. That’s three multiplayer DLC packs, which include nine of our best maps, three additional guns, three additional playable demons, new equipment, armor sets and more. That’s on top of the modes and features, like bot support, that players have been enjoying since late last year.

A Completely Revised Multiplayer Progression System

With this update, we’ve changed when and how players unlock additional guns, demons, equipment and all of the player and weapon customization options. Instead of relying on the current random unlock system, everything now unlocks through specific leveling requirements and/or in-game challenges. Now, if there’s a specific helmet you want, you can work toward unlocking it by focusing your play style on the related challenge. We’re confident new and veteran players alike will enjoy the control and predictability in this new multiplayer progression system.

For our veteran players, we know you’ve been unlocking items through both the original random progression system and/or via DLC purchase. We want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to both retain previously unlocked items if they choose, but also unlock anything they don’t have through the new level- and challenge-based progression. To do this we will be resetting all veteran players to level 0. Don’t panic, though – that’s just your level. All veteran players will have the option to completely reset their unlock progression items and experience the new progression system fresh, OR retain all of their existing guns, equipment, demons and customization unlocks that they’ve acquired or purchased and then unlock the remaining items through the revised progression system. Regardless of whether you keep your gear or choose to re-earn it, we’re giving all veteran players a special badge recognizing their previous experience in the game. For those elite few who have achieved the max Slayer level, we’ve designated a special Slayer badge for you.

A New Runes System, Better Player Information, Revised User Interface

On the gameplay front, we’ve replaced the Hack Module System with an all-new Runes System. Much like the Runes system from the DOOM campaign, multiplayer Runes are now persistent player abilities earned and included in a player loadout. Unlike the previous Hack Modules, Runes do not need to be activated and do not expire. Runes are persistent capabilities (or perks) that become a consistent and predictable component of your loadout and play style.

We’ve also overhauled most of the in-game HUD, including better callouts for challenges, awards and scoring. The kill card has been completely revised to provide players a more clear and accurate account of their demise, including not just who killed them but also the players, weapon types and damage that combined to kill them.

Players will also discover numerous improvements throughout the menus and user interface, including completely revised post-match summaries as well as updates that better illustrate player status in lobbies, highlight the new progression options and status, and better outline weapon, equipment and demon characteristics.

Free Weekends

If you’re someone who just hasn’t tried DOOM yet, we’re giving you the ultimate opportunity to try out one of the most talked about games of 2016. Starting at 12:00 pm ET on Thursday, July 20, on Xbox One, 1pm ET on Thursday, July 20 on PC, and 12:00 pm ET on Thursday, July 27 on PlayStation 4, you can try DOOM for free. Blast hordes of demons in the first two levels of DOOM’s critically acclaimed campaign, then ratchet up the intensity by going for a high-score in Arcade Mode. Plus, you’ll also have unlimited access to DOOM’s multiplayer and SnapMap modes for the duration of the weekend. If you choose to purchase during the free weekend, all of your progress in campaign and multiplayer is saved and you’ll continue right from where you left off.

An Ultimate Price

Lastly, we don’t want anything standing in your way of joining the millions of people that have experienced the rush and pure fun of DOOM, so not only are we giving you a chance to try it during a free weekend – if you like it, we’re offering it for $14.99 (US) / £11.99 (UK) / $17.99 (AUS) (digital purchase only). That’s the award-winning campaign, arcade mode, all of the DLC, countless hours of SnapMap and the right to say you are a badass, rip-and-tear DOOM Slayer – all for just $14.99 (US) / £11.99 (UK) / $17.99 (AUS).

As always, thanks to everyone for your incredible support. We hope that whether you’re a long-time Slayer, trying the game during a free weekend, or you’re purchasing it for the first time, you find something you love in DOOM.
phpBB [video]
Beter, hopelijk wordt het nu weer meer gespeeld.
Afbeelding Babyforce Unite!

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

Re: Algemeen Gaming Nieuws

26 jul 2017, 09:43

phpBB [video]

Berichten: 1312
Lid geworden op:
20 jul 2017, 06:54

26 jul 2017, 10:11

Ziet er cool uit, maar die teksten zijn pure maïs. Zelfs voor een JRPG.
Switch FC SW 7416-1174-5034

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

26 jul 2017, 10:30

Ideaal voor op de Switch. I Am Setsuna wil ik ook nog checken.

Berichten: 2502
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 14:46
Locatie: Castricum


26 jul 2017, 10:36

Oversoul schreef:
26 jul 2017, 10:11
Ziet er cool uit, maar die teksten zijn pure maïs. Zelfs voor een JRPG.
Pure maïs? Dus de tekst zit nog aan de kolf?
As easy to stop as it is to comprehend.

Berichten: 1313
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 13:17

26 jul 2017, 11:35

Wie heeft Destiny 1.5 nog nodig?

phpBB [video]

Post het hier omdat het kan.

Berichten: 2502
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 14:46
Locatie: Castricum

26 jul 2017, 11:37

Ik ben sinds Tennocon weer begonnen met Warframe en alweer helemaal verslaafd.

De Destiny 2 beta was echt even wennen qua gameplay, het voelde zo... traag :lol:
As easy to stop as it is to comprehend.

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

26 jul 2017, 12:18

Ziet er dope uit maar dat gejuich van het publiek :')

Berichten: 2502
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 14:46
Locatie: Castricum

26 jul 2017, 14:51

Enigzins wel te begrijpen bij de Open World-aankondiging, dat was nogal een verrassing :lol:
As easy to stop as it is to comprehend.

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

26 jul 2017, 15:27

phpBB [video]

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

26 jul 2017, 16:43

phpBB [video]

WiiU am cry

Berichten: 1312
Lid geworden op:
20 jul 2017, 06:54

27 jul 2017, 20:25

Of rijd naar een tuning shop
Switch FC SW 7416-1174-5034

Berichten: 878
Lid geworden op:
13 jul 2017, 19:42

27 jul 2017, 21:00

Dit weekend open bèta van Lawbreakers op PS4 en PC.

Beta Begins: Friday, July 28th - 7am PT / 10am ET
Beta Ends: Monday, July 31st - 7am PT/ 10am ET
Afbeelding Babyforce Unite!

Gewoon Arno
Big Baller
Berichten: 4628
Lid geworden op:
16 jul 2017, 00:04

27 jul 2017, 23:39

phpBB [video]

Volgens mij had ik deze gepre-ordered :P Nu baal ik dat er geen Switch versie is! :@

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